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Home » Misunderstandings


"All the conflict in the world is because of misunderstanding." Osho
In this section of osho.info we will try and help you navigate your way through all the misrepresentations and misunderstandings you will see presented around the world, online and offline, about Osho’s work. Then you will have a chance of distinguishing fact from fiction for yourself!
Some General Background
The Osho proposal is very radical and includes the understanding that only if the individual changes, does society change, and only then can the madness we see all about us be addressed. This has always attracted the hostility of those who wish things to stay the same. Those who benefit from, and support, the status quo know that this proposal is a threat. Hence the hostility. During Osho’s lifetime, he was on the end of continual attacks by the pillars of that status quo: the politicians, the religious people, and the media. 
Since then a new phenomena has arisen. Some of those who were part of what Osho would call his “caravanserai,” “fellow travelers” and “friends” have also started to attack his work. While Osho was there, they kept their heads down and didn’t say a word of course. 
Now a new situation has occurred. Some of these “friends” have started approaching the original attackers, the members of the establishment, to seek their help in trying to attack Osho’s work.
About this endless need to attack Osho’s work, the author Tom Robbins once explained: “One of the things that first caused me to have interest in him was the fact he was so soundly and roundly attacked by the left and the right, by the unthinking masses and educated liberal, intellectuals. And when someone’s ideas are that universally attacked, can arouse that much hostility, that was a signal to me that there must be something worth paying attention to.”
He also explains why there is this much hostility, "I recognize the emerald breeze when it rattles my shutters. And Osho is like a hard, sweet wind, circling the planet, blowing the beanies off of rabbis and popes, scattering the lies on the desks of the bureaucrats, stampeding the jackasses in the stables of the powerful, lifting the skirts of the pathologically prudish and tickling the spiritually dead back to life.” He continues, “Jesus had his parables, Buddha his sutras, Mohammed his fantasies of the Arabian night. Osho has something more appropriate for a species crippled by greed, fear, ignorance and superstition: he has cosmic comedy.” Finally, as he concludes, “What Osho is out to do, it seems to me, is pierce our disguises, shatter our illusions, cure our addictions and demonstrate the self-limiting and often tragic folly of taking ourselves too seriously.”